nedeľa 23. decembra 2012

Watch how you go

Nemám rada vianoce, svoje narodeniny ani meniny. Keď som vyrastala, menil sa môj vzťah k nim. V puberte to bolo najhoršie, kým som nestretla jedného z najdôležitejších ľudí v mojom živote a prestala sa búriť voči všetkému a všetkým. Preto aj v takýto čas myslím na tých, ktorí tu boli. Raz.

Vianoce totiž nie sú o baliacom papieri, umelom stromčeku, červenom boá, čo mám omotané okolo krku, keď vyzdobujeme s mamou jedličku či borovicu. Vianoce sú o tom pocite. Miestami tak strašne skľučujúcom a miestami vďačnom za všetko, čo mi moji blízki dali.

Depresia? Vôbec nie. Skôr mi len prišlo ľúto za všetkým, o čom som prišla. Raz.

The more we rush about, the less we do,
I never saw you drift away.
The more we spin around, the less we move,
I never saw your spirit break.

I wish that I could be your journey's end
But you are only passing through, yeah.
It's not for me to try to steer your way,
I wish you well in all you do.

Just say you'll watch how you go,
Be gracious with your light
And may the years be kind now.
Just say you'll mind how you roam,
The things that we have shared
Will soon be left behind now.

I hope you know that you're a graceful soul,
You fill the room with hope and light.
It's only right that you should go your way,
Cause nothing ever lasts that long.

Just say you'll watch how you go,
Be gracious with your light
And may the years be kind now.
Just say you'll mind how you roam,
The things that we have shared
Will soon be left behind now.
Behind now... behind now... behind now.

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